Template options

Defined options

The defined configuration values are defined into the cookiecutter.json file in the repository, with the default values:

  "plugin_name": "My Awesome Plugin",
  "plugin_name_slug": "{{ cookiecutter.plugin_name | slugify | replace('-', '_') }}",
  "plugin_name_class": "{{ cookiecutter.plugin_name_slug.title() | replace('_', '') }}",
  "plugin_category": [
  "plugin_processing": false,
  "plugin_description_short": "This plugin is a revolution!",
  "plugin_description_long": "Extends QGIS with revolutionary features that every single GIS end-users was expected (or not)!",
  "plugin_tags": "topic1,topic2",
  "plugin_icon": "path_to_an_image_or_leave_blank_to_use_default_icon",
  "author_name": "Firstname LASTNAME",
  "author_org": "Company",
  "author_email": "qgis@company.com",
  "qgis_version_min": "3.28",
  "qgis_version_max": "3.99",
  "repository_url_base": "https://gitlab.com/{{ cookiecutter.author_org }}/{{ cookiecutter.plugin_name_slug }}/",
  "repository_default_branch": "main",
  "open_source_license": [
  "linter_py": [
  "ci_cd_tool": [
  "ide": [
  "post_install_venv": false,
  "post_git_init": false,
  "debug": false,
  "__prompts__": {
    "plugin_name": "\nName of the plugin. Used as value for `name` in the plugin `metadata.txt`.",
    "plugin_name_slug": "\nSlugified name of the plugin. Used to name the folder where the source code will be stored. Default value is deduced from the plugin name:",
    "plugin_name_class": "\nName of the main plugin class in Python code. By default, it's the camelcase version of the plugin name:",
    "plugin_category": {
      "__prompt__": "\nCategory of the plugin. Used as value for `category` in the plugin `metadata.txt` and to define in which menu the plugin will be installed:",
      "Database": "Database",
      "Filter": "Locator Filter",
      "Raster": "Raster",
      "Vector": "Vector",
      "Web": "Web",
      "None": "Generic (multi categories)"
    "plugin_processing": "\nSet `hasProcessingProvider=True` in `metadata.txt` and add a boilerplate structure for processing algorithms.",
    "plugin_description_short": "\nThe punchline introducing the plugin. Used as value for `about` in the plugin `metadata.txt`:",
    "plugin_description_long": "\nThe long story describing the plugin. Used as value for `description` in the plugin `metadata.txt`:",
    "plugin_tags": "\nComma separated list, spaces are allowed inside individual tags. Used as value for `tags` in the plugin `metadata.txt`:",
    "plugin_icon": "\nLocal path to an image file to be used as plugin icon. If not provided, the templater icon is used.:",
    "author_name": "\nPlugin creator. Used as value for `author` in the plugin `metadata.txt`:",
    "author_org": "\nOrganization of the author. Also used as for `author` in the plugin `metadata.txt`:",
    "author_email": "\nContact email to ask about the plugin. Used as value for `email` in the plugin `metadata.txt`:",
    "qgis_version_min": "\nQGIS minimum version. Used as value for `qgisMinimumVersion` in the plugin `metadata.txt`.",
    "qgis_version_max": "\nQGIS maximum version. Used as value for `qgisMaximumVersion` in the plugin `metadata.txt`.",
    "repository_url_base": "\nURL to the public repository.",
    "repository_default_branch": "\nDefault git branch name. Defaults to `main`.",
    "open_source_license": "\nLicense of your plugin. Please consider that you should pick up the `GPLv2+`to comply with Qt and QGIS licenses.",
    "linter_py": "\nWhich Python linter to use in IDE and CI.",
    "ci_cd_tool": "\nWhich continous integration and deployment suite to use.",
    "ide": "\nWhich IDE software to use.",
    "post_install_venv": "\nCreate a virtual environment after project creation. Default to: no.",
    "post_git_init": "\nRun git init after project creation and add `repository_url_base` as remote origin. Default to: no.",
    "debug": "\nDebug/verbose mode. Default to: no."

Options detailed

Option name



Name of the plugin. Used as value for name in the plugin metadata.txt.


Slugified name of the plugin. Used to name the folder where the source code will be stored.


Name of the main plugin class in Python code. By default, it’s the camelcase version of the plugin name.


Category of the plugin. Used as value for category in the plugin metadata.txt and to define in which menu the plugin will be installed.


The punchline introducing the plugin. Used as value for about in the plugin metadata.txt.


The long story describing the plugin. Used as value for description in the plugin metadata.txt.


Comma separated list, spaces are allowed inside individual tags. Used as value for tags in the plugin metadata.txt.


Path to an image file to be used as plugin icon. If not provided, the default icon is used.


Set hasProcessingProvider=True in metadata.txt and add a boilerplate structure for processing algorithms. Default to: “no”.


Plugin creator. Used as value for author in the plugin metadata.txt.


Organization of the author. Also used as for author in the plugin metadata.txt.


Contact email to ask about the plugin. Used as value for email in the plugin metadata.txt.


QGIS minimum version. Used as value for qgisMinimumVersion in the plugin metadata.txt.


QGIS maximum version. Used as value for qgisMaximumVersion in the plugin metadata.txt.


URL to the public repository.


Default git branch name. Defaults to main.


License of your plugin. Please consider that you should pick up the GPLv2+to comply with Qt and QGIS licenses.


Which Python linter to use in IDE and CI.


Which continous integration and deployment suite to use.


Which IDE software to use.


Create a virtual environment after project creation. Default to: no.


Run git init after project creation and add repository_url_base as remote origin. Default to: no.


Debug/verbose mode. Default to: no.