Create compliance configuration file ==================================== Use the |create_config_logo| icon to open the configuration wizard: .. image:: ../_static/images/en/create_1.png :width: 50% #. Choose the dataset format among the supported types #. Select the dataset file (or folder in the case of shapefile(s)) #. :guilabel:`Next` .. image:: ../_static/images/en/create_2.png :width: 60% #. Layers found in the reference dataset #. General checks for the selected layer #. Fields of the selected layer with checks that can be enabled for compliance #. Geometry and topology rules checks (valid geometry, null geometry, empty geometry, duplicates, overlaps) #. Geometry specific checks for the selected layer .. image:: ../_static/images/en/create_3.png :width: 45% #. Choose a path to save the configuration file #. :guilabel:`Finish` It is possible to edit an already existing configuration file with the icon |edit_config_logo| and loading the file to edit. When loading the configuration, a notification message will appear if at least 1 field has been added/deleted on one of the layers identified in the configuration file. The message lists the added/deleted field(s) per layer. If less than 5 fields have been added for a layer, the message will list each field. However, if more than 5 fields have been added, only the first 5 will be listed. The number of additional fields will be indicated. The same principle is applied for deleted fields. .. image:: ../_static/images/en/edit_1.png :width: 45% .. |create_config_logo| image:: ../../QompliGIS/resources/images/newConfig.svg :width: 30 px .. |edit_config_logo| image:: ../../QompliGIS/resources/images/editConfig.svg :width: 30 px