Source code for LandSurveyCodesImport.processing.codification.geom_from_points

                                 A QGIS plugin
 This plugin allows you to easily import data from a land survey (GPS or
 total station) to draw automatically in a database using a codification
 (aka Field Codes).
        begin                : 2018-04-05
        git sha              : $Format:%H$
        copyright            : (C) 2018 by Loïc Bartoletti (Oslandia)
        email                :

 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

# pylint: disable=import-error
from qgis.core import (

[docs]def circle2points(points, layerType): """ Returns a circle from two points Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain two points layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsCircle.from2Points( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[1]]), ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry( if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def circle3points(points, layerType): """ Returns a circle from three points Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain three points layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsCircle.from3Points( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[1]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[2]]), ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry( if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def circleCenterRadius(points, layerType, parameters): """ Returns a circle from a point and a radius Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain only one point parameters: list of number Must contain only one number. It's the radius of the circle. layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsCircle.fromCenterDiameter( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), float(parameters[0]) * 2.0, ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry( if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def circleCenterDiameter(points, layerType, parameters): """ Returns a circle from a point and a diameter Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain only one point parameters: list of number Must contain only one number. It's the diameter of the circle. layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsCircle.fromCenterDiameter( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), float(parameters[0]) ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry( if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def square2Points(points, layerType): """ Returns a square from two points Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain two points layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsRegularPolygon( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[1]]), 4, ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry( if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def square2Diagonal(points, layerType): """ Returns a square from two points (diagonal) Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain two points layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsQuadrilateral.squareFromDiagonal( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[1]]), ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon().centroid()) if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def rectangle2PointsHeight(points, layerType, parameters): """ Returns a rectangle from two points and a height Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain two points parameters: list of number Must contain only one number. It's the height of the rectangle. layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: p0 = QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]) p1 = QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[1]]) azimuth = p0.azimuth(p1) distance = float(parameters[0]) geom = QgsQuadrilateral( p0, p1, p1.project(distance, azimuth + 90.0), p0.project(distance, azimuth + 90.0), ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon().centroid()) if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def rectangle3PointsDistance(points, layerType): """ Returns a rectangle from three points (third point is the distance from second point) Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain two points layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsQuadrilateral.rectangleFrom3Points( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[1]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[2]]), QgsQuadrilateral.Distance, ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon().centroid()) if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None
[docs]def rectangle3PointsProjected(points, layerType): """ Returns a rectangle from three points (distance is the projection of the third point on the segment p1 - p2) Parameters ---------- points: list of coordinates Must contain two points layerType: int QGIS identifiant of the layer type (0: Point, 1: LineString, 2: Polygon) """ try: geom = QgsQuadrilateral.rectangleFrom3Points( QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[0]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[1]]), QgsPoint(*[float(f) for f in points[2]]), QgsQuadrilateral.Projected, ) if layerType == 0: return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon().centroid()) if layerType == 1: return QgsGeometry(geom.toLineString()) return QgsGeometry(geom.toPolygon()) except (ValueError, IndexError): return None