# Packaging and deployment ## Packaging This plugin is using the [qgis-plugin-ci](https://github.com/opengisch/qgis-plugin-ci/) tool to perform packaging operations. Under the hood, the package command is performing a `git archive` run based on `CHANGELOG.md`. Install additional dependencies: ```bash python -m pip install -U -r requirements/packaging.txt ``` Then use it: ```bash # package a specific version qgis-plugin-ci package 1.3.1 # package latest version qgis-plugin-ci package latest ``` ## Release a version Through git workflow: 1. Add the new version to the `CHANGELOG.md` 1. Optionally change the version number in `metadata.txt` 1. Commit these changes on the branch `master` and set aside the commit id 1. Apply a git tag on the commit id with the relevant version: `git tag -a X.y.z {git commit hash} -m "This version rocks!"` 1. Push tag to the main remote: `git push origin X.y.z`